von , über "Paket Deluxe (32000/2000)" von Kabel Deutschland , am um 16:34 Uhr

Kundendienst? Only make me frustrated.

They don't make any appointment, and suddenly phoned us that their technician will come in half hour and let us make the socket (Dose) available. When we ask 'for what?' The lady simply said, uncourteously and impatiently, that the technician will come. Okay, we moved the heavy furniture off from the wall to make the socket comfortably accessible by the dear Kabeldeutschland technician. After one hour we finished this movement, the super lady phoned us again that the technician will come tomorrow.

Should we always keep our furnitures off from the wall only because we are using the super Kabeldeutschland?

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Zu diesem Bericht wurden bisher 4 Kommentare abgegeben

Kommentar von Zhang 09.07.2010 um 17:02 Uhr
Every family could have different furniture. Our furniture is very tall and that's a connection of several cupboards. To move the furniture, we have to move the books, disconnect the cables and so on.
Kommentar von Zhang 09.07.2010 um 17:04 Uhr
But I didn't mean it took me one hour. I mean one hour after we finished moving the furniture. I got a phone call at around 2:00pm, and I was told that the technician would come in half hour.
Kommentar von Zhang 09.07.2010 um 17:06 Uhr
I had to get to home from my office and moved the furniture. Until 4pm, they told us that the technician would not come but next day.
Kommentar von Haselhorster (Haselhorster) 12.07.2010 um 14:18 Uhr
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